Dec 14, 2009

The Truth About Fatloss

Many people have been trying to get in shape for years and they spent thousands of rands doing so. They have tried crash diets, miracle pills, expensive training and gym equipment but they fail miserably. Its really sad to see so many people being misinformed by the media just because somebody is trying to make a quick buck. Your body did not come with an instruction manual but you have learnt and been taught along the way by your parents, your peers, your teachers and the media about how to treat your body. And most of the time you are being misled. There is no such thing has a miracle pill or a miracle fat burning equipment. When something seems to good to be true then it probably is.

What about Crash Diets? Well! Crash diets are exactly what it says it is, its a diet you follow that will eventually crash. Crash Diets are a severe restriction of calories which is temporary, the severe restriction of calories sends your body into what is called a starvation mode which in turn slows your metabolism down to prevent starvation. The severe restriction of calories also forces the body to seek for other sources of energy which means your body will start to breakdown muscle tissue to use has its source of energy and muscle is metabolically active tissue which means the loss of muscle will lead to a slower metabolism.

When one comes off the crash diet which they eventually will do, either because they hit a plateau or the cravings become too much, they now go back to their old eating habits. After having lost some weight (I used the word weight and not fat because a lot of muscle mass was lost as well) on the crash diet they are now a few pounds lighter with 2 disadvantages, they now have a slower metabolism and less muscle which means they are going to now put back on all the weight that they lost and more with their old eating habits. And because of this people go on and off crash diets not knowing what damage this is doing to their body, this is known as the yo yo diet.

The only way to achieve permanent fat loss is to make a lifestyle change. If you have the right information it is actually quite simple to achieve your fitness goals, it may not be easy but it is simple. The next time you come across a fad diet, miracle pill or a fancy equipment ask yourself this question "If fat loss was that easy, why are there more obese people today in the world than ever before?"

To view one of the best fat loss programs ever designed with all the information you will ever need. Click Here!

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