Feb 26, 2010

What Effect Does Alcohol Have On The Human Body?

Small amounts of alcohol may have some benefits but large amounts or the abuse of alcohol will be detrimental to your health and physique. Now when I say small amounts I mean 1 glass per day, this has been proven to increase HDL (good cholesterol) in the body. If you are serious about losing weight and getting into shape then I would suggest not consuming any alcohol at all. Alcohol has 7calories per gram which makes it the second highest, second to fat which has 9 calories per gram. If you are on a calorie restricted diet then alcohol is just going to be extra calories that your body does not need, these are wasted calories and have no benefit.
Alcohol reduces the body’s ability to burn fat, the liver is responsible for metabolizing alcohol and fat, and alcohol prevents the liver from metabolizing fat, that’s because alcohol takes priority over fat. Alcohol is a toxin (poison) and it has to be detoxified by the body. Consuming alcohol has other risks like; damaged muscle cells, various heart and circulatory problems, effects the nervous system and brain, less efficient healing of injuries, it’s a diuretic which leads to dehydration, Numerous sexual dysfunctions like; loss of libido, reduced sperm formation, menstrual irregularities, and shrinkage of sexual organs. Alcohol also reduces the absorption of many vitamins like vitamin B which could lead to you becoming anemic.
The next time you consider consuming alcohol, take a look at some of the risks and ask yourself, is this what I really need and want for my body? It is not going to be easy for some to stay away from alcohol; you need to create a new addiction, the addiction of having perfect health and physique.
For information Click Here!

Feb 24, 2010

Why Is Water Important And How Much Should We Drink?

Water makes up 75% of your total body weight, losing 10% of water can make you sick and losing 20% can kill you. Water is responsible for every bodily function known to man. Blood is made up 90% water which makes the transportation of nutrients and energy to all parts of the body possible and the transportation of metabolic waste out of the body through your kidneys. Temperature regulation in the body is controlled by water; water assists your digestive system and lubricates joints. Water is also responsible for energy production, energy storage and workout recovery. As you can see water is absolutely vital, it’s the fuel that keeps your body running and many people out there are running on fumes which will be disastrous.

When on a diet drinking plenty of water will help your liver metabolize body fat and the carbohydrates that you consume which is converted into glucose can be stored as glycogen and not fat. Active people require more water than inactive people. A little as 4% reduction of water can drop your physical performance by as much as 30%.

Drinking plenty water on a daily basis is essential, drink plenty of water before, during and after workouts, drink water after carbohydrate meals and do not wait until you are thirsty, by this time your body is already dehydrated. Drinking 8 – 10 glasses of water per day is adequate for an average person and an active person should be drinking more.
For more information Click Here!

Feb 19, 2010

Is There A Cure For Diabetes?

What is diabetes?
Diabetes is basically low or no insulin being produced by the body. Insulin is a hormone that transports nutrients like amino acids (Protein) and glucose (blood sugar) into cells. Do you know that 67% of the people with diabetes eventually die from heart attacks? If you really think about it diabetes is not a disease, it’s a symptom.
Now I have been telling people for years that diabetes can be cured but nobody seem to listen to me. Doctors have been telling their patients that there is no cure for diabetes, they both right and wrong at the same time, they are right in the sense that diabetes cannot be cured by modern medicine all that modern medicine could come up with was insulin shots and that does not solve the problem, that’s just a quick fix.
A scientist called Dr Robert O. Young has made a discovery that is sending shock waves around the world; he has discovered that the major cause of diabetes is our modern lifestyle. Now let us take a closer look at diabetes, as I said earlier diabetes is low or no insulin being produced by the body, which organ is responsible for producing insulin? The pancreas, the pancreas has cells called the beta cells that actually produce insulin and over the year’s saturated fat and uric acid forms a layer around the beta cells destroying it which stops producing insulin and in turn causing diabetes. The amount of beta cells destroyed and the amount of insulin being produced will determine whether one has Type I or Type II diabetes, the pancreas is situated just below the stomach area and is therefore the next organ in the digestive process and we are torturing the pancreas by the junk that we put into our body.
Our bodies are recreating new cells every year and we get the raw materials to create new cells from the food we eat therefore by just eating the right nutrition at the right times and exercising regularly  we can help the body recreate new beta cells which will eventually stabilize the insulin levels in our body and cure diabetes.
Exercise helps to lower the blood sugar level in the body which in turn will reduce the amount of insulin required. Exercise also helps to strengthen muscles the heart and reduce stress.
There are people out there who suffered from Type I diabetes where their body did not produce any insulin at all and have cured themselves of diabetes in has little has 3 to 4 months just by eating the right nutrition at the appropriate times and exercising regularly.
For the perfect individualized eating and training program

Feb 16, 2010

What is Low GI?

GI is an abbreviation for GLYCEMIC INDEX. A big hype has been created about low GI food; people are now consuming large amounts of low GI food all because they were told by family, friends, the media etc. that this is good. I am not saying that low GI foods are bad, all I am saying is that most people out there have no clue as to how low GI food is beneficial to them and that too much of anything is bad for you.

Foods that are high on the glycemic index burns much faster and are released much quicker into the bloodstream creating a blood sugar spike which forces the pancreas to release more insulin to transport this surplus glucose (blood sugar) out of the blood stream. This surplus glucose is now quickly transported to parts of the body that require energy and the balance gets stored as adipose tissue (fat). This sudden drop in blood sugar now creates a need for more food thus making you eat more and that’s how the cycle continues. These blood sugar spikes also lead to other medical problems like, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and obesity.

Foods that are low on the glycemic index burn much slower and are released more gradually into the blood stream, keeping you fuller for longer, stabilizing blood sugar, insulin levels and reduce the risk of obesity. Therefore eating low GI foods is good but when it comes to fat loss it all boils down to the number of calories consumed and by eating too much of low GI food you can go over your daily calorie consumption which will cause you to gain fat.
For more information Click Here!

Feb 14, 2010

Why Should We Not Focus On Eating Alone To Burn Body Fat?

Although what we eat, how we eat it and when we eat is of vital importance, this alone is not sufficient for fast effective and permanent fat loss. As I mentioned in a previous post the only way to burn body fat is if you are in a calorie deficit and by focusing on eating alone you are bound to hit a plateau which will force you to lower your calories further. Dropping your calories too low will have a very negative effect on your body; it will lower your metabolism, deplete your muscle and destroy cells in your body.
There is another way to create a bigger calorie deficit without dropping your calorie consumption any further. Let me use an example of an average female who requires 2000 calories per day for maintenance and she drops her calorie consumption to 1600 calories per day, this gives her a calorie deficit of 400 calories but she wants to create a bigger calorie deficit to break the plateau. The other way to create a bigger calorie deficit without lowering calorie consumption is to burn more calories. How does she do this? She does this by increasing her activity for the day (exercise). This average female now introduces exercise to her program which now increases her maintenance calorie consumption from 2000 calories per day to 2300 calories per day, her calorie deficit now moves from 400 calories to 700 calories per day, which helps her break the plateau.
The introduction of exercise to a fat loss program helps burn body fat effectively and breaking a plateau without the negatives of dropping calories to low. Apart from fat loss, exercise has numerous other health benefits which were also mentioned in a previous post.
The most effective way to burn body fat is to burn off the fat and not starve of the fat. For more information Click Here!

Feb 12, 2010

Fat Burning Foods

The food that we put into our bodies determine how we look and feel, today’s society is being consumed by the fast food industry and all for the sake of convenience. This alone plays a huge role in today’s increase in obesity and health problems. You are exactly what eat, if you eat lots of junk food then you will look and feel that way. Fat loss is such a huge concern today that people are trying numerous diets, eating plans and fat loss programs to curb or prevent the effect of obesity. Unfortunately when it comes to food people have no clue as to what foods they should be eating and they are being led blindly by the media.

What do we actually require food for? We require food for survival and I am sure you knew that but let me elaborate. The 3 main food sources are protein, carbohydrates and essential fats. Protein is the building block in our body, it is what muscle tissue and cells are made of, it is essential for building a strong immune system, cell construction and stabilizing insulin levels in our body. Carbohydrates is the primary source of energy in our body’s , carbohydrates is broken down to form glucose (blood sugar) which is then transported by insulin from the blood stream to areas of the body where energy is needed e.g. the muscle. Vegetables are starchy carbohydrates which improve digestion and boost the metabolism. Essential fats improves insulin sensitivity, essential for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins, for joint health, oxygen transfer, improves skin texture, increased metabolic rate and helps burn fat.

For effective fat loss one should consume small balanced meals containing protein, natural carbohydrates and essential fats at regular intervals throughout the day (approximately every 3 waking hours). It takes the human approximately 3 hours to fully digest and consume a meal thereafter the human body will look for other sources if food is not available, this includes breaking down protein to use as energy and this means breaking down cells and muscle tissue, in another words you will be cannibalizing yourself. Eating after every 3 hours has been proven both scientifically and through experience to boost metabolism.

Some food examples:

LEAN PROTEINS – Skinless chicken breast, skinless turkey breast, tuna packed in water, salmon, egg whites, lean beef etc.

NATURAL CARBOHYDRATES – Oatmeal, potatoes, lentils, brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, kidney beans, yam, sweet potato etc.

VEGETABLES – Asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots corn, lettuce, cucumber, mushrooms, green beans, peas etc.

ESSENTIAL FATS – Olive oil, canola oil, flaxseed oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil etc.

For more information Click Here!

Feb 9, 2010

Getting Started

Getting started is always the most difficult part and it does not matter whether it is to lose 50 pounds, improving your health or just keeping fit and staying in shape. The most common excuse that I hear is that people do not have the time. Everybody has the same 24 hours in a day but why do some people manage to fit everything that they need to within those 24 hours and others cant? The answer to that is habit, people have formed habits in their lives that consume all of their time and they find it difficult to change these habits. Simple habits like spending hours in front of the television (the “idiot box” as known to some of us) or sleeping for more than 8 hours a day, these are some of the habits that we can change to create more time in the day. Just by waking up an hour earlier every morning and going to bed an hour later every night is equivalent to adding an extra month to the year, you do the math. You actually need less than 2 hours a day to achieve your fat loss and fitness goals.
The first question you should ask yourself is “What do I want to achieve with regards to my fitness and health?” Once you know what you want to achieve, you can get started by setting a goal towards that achievement. Having a written goal as a start is in fact more important than starting with the best fat loss or fitness program on the planet. Click Here! for the best mini goal setting program on fat loss and the best fat loss program on the planet, this will help u get started and help you achieve you’re your fat loss and fitness goals.

Feb 8, 2010

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle

"Burn  The Fat Feed The Muscle" is in my opinion the best fat loss program ever developed.

What Makes This Fat Burning Breakthrough So Exciting is
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Lose fat permanently. It's a fact - 95% of the people who go on conventional diets gain all the weight back and sometimes they end up fatter than when they started. Now you can learn how to be in the successful 5% group that keeps it off forever.

Lose fat without wrecking your metabolism. If you've ever started a diet, then smashed into the dreaded "plateau," it's probably because you cannibalized your own muscle and slowed down your metabolism. Not only will this system teach you the only way to prevent your metabolism from crashing, you will also learn more than a dozen ways to fire up your "metabolic engine" and accelerate your body's natural rate of calorie-burning.

Lose fat without drugs. When you mention bodybuilders, some people think of steroids or fat burning drugs. It's sad but true - most pro bodybuilders take them. But the joke's on them. Drugs work, but the results are temporary and the side effects are nasty. The tiny handful of natural bodybuilders who have learned how to use training and nutrition science to alter body composition without drugs are the only people in the world who keep their fat loss and muscle gains permanently. Now you can learn these fat burning secrets from a natural bodybuilding champion who knows from real-world experience exactly how it's done.

Lose fat without supplements.97% of all supplements are a total waste of money! You are being lied to and ripped off by crooked companies that could care less about your health and well-being.

To find out how you can get your hands on this fat loss bible Click Here!

Feb 6, 2010

Want to change your life?

                       "I Lost 137 Pounds! It Changed My Entire Life!"

To listen to Mike Ogorek's story Click Here!

Feb 4, 2010

Good Fats vs. Bad Fats

Fats are considered bad and unhealthy but are all fats really bad? There are 2 different types of fats, SATURATED FATS and UNSATURATED FATS. Saturated fats are your bad fats and should be avoided at all cost. These fats are harmful and can lead to very high cholesterol levels and obesity. A simple test can help you distinguish whether the fats that you are consuming are saturated (bad fats) or not, all u have to do is leaving the fat in room temperature for a while and if it solidifies then it is saturated. All meat fat and products that contain animal fat are examples of saturated fats.

Unsaturated fats are your good fats and should be consumed in the right amounts daily. Between 5% - 15% of your daily calories should come from unsaturated fats for example olive oil, flaxseed oil and fish oil, these oils contains your essential fatty acids like the omega 3’s and omega 6’s which are essential for weight loss and various bodily functions like; joint health, oxygen transfer, energy production, cell membrane integrity, suppress cortisol production, improves skin texture and improves insulin sensitivity. Essential fatty acids can now be found in a convenient gel tablet form for convenience e.g. Flaxseed tablets. One tablet contains your daily allowance of fatty acids.

Fats have the highest calorie content (7 calories per gram) and it does not matter whether it is saturated or unsaturated therefore it should not constitute for the bulk of your meals. There are various companies out there that are promoting fat free foods, don’t be fooled by this hype. Not all fat free foods are good. These companies have taken out the fats and increased the carbohydrate content in their products and has we know excess carbohydrates can be just as harmful as fats. Everybody should make it a habit to look at the nutritional value of any product being purchased.

For more information Click Here!

Feb 1, 2010

How to Boost Your Metabolism Naturally?

What is the definition of metabolism? “The chemical processes occurring within our bodies that are necessary for the maintenance of life”.

Energy is required for these chemical processes to occur and where does this energy come from? This energy comes from the carbohydrates that we consume which is converted into glucose (blood sugar) and body fat; the human body can also convert protein into energy. Having a fast metabolism means that more energy is going to be used therefore boosting your metabolism will have a positive impact on weight loss.

I am going to discuss the 2 ways in which you can boost your metabolism naturally;

1.Meal Frequency – Just by increasing your daily food intake to 5 or 6 small meals per day – one approximately every 3 waking hours will sky rocket your metabolism and this has been scientifically proven. It has also been proven by millions of people out there, professional bodybuilders, fitness models and I included.

2.Muscle – Muscle is your body’s metabolic furnace, it uses energy even while you are sleeping. Having large, strong and healthy muscles can boost your metabolism tremendously and prevent joint and bone injury due to strain, it will also reduce the risk of osteoporosis which is a very painful bone disease. Therefore weight training should be an integral part of your training program.

The combination of these 2 ways will miraculously boost your metabolism naturally and keep it elevated. For more information Click Here!

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